Joel & Malachi

A Promise of Hope

by Graham S. Ogden

Series: International Theological Commentary (ITC)

Imprint: Eerdmans

130 Pages, 5.50 x 8.50 in

  • eBook
  • 9781467444156
  • Publication Date: October 1, 1987


  • Paperback
  • 9780802800930
  • Publication Date: October 1, 1987

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The book of Joel is one of the Old Testament prophetic books, but it also has a clear and close association with lament literature. Graham Ogden takes seriously the book's lament setting, exegeting it entirely from within that framework.

In his commentary on the book of Malachi, Richard Deutsch examines the religious, moral, and social aspects of the early postexilic Jewish community that the prophet was addressing in this brief book.