Catholic Library World
"A veritable treasure chest of sound biblical scholarship. . . The commentary is easily accessible to the scholar, student, pastor, and general reader and should surely be among the essential resources for any high school, college, or seminary library."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly
"Comprehensive and ecumenical in scope and reader-friendly in format, the ECB is the finest, most up-to-date single-volume biblical commentary now available. Written by well-known scholars, theECB encapsulates in nontechnical language the cutting edge of modern scholarship on the sixty-six biblical books of the Protestant canon plus the Apocrypha. . . Its succinct interpretations of the sacred books will be helpful to scholars, pastors, students, and general readers. . . An invaluable 'one-stop' guide."
Concordia Journal
"The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible is the finest, most up-to-date single-volume Bible handbook now available. . . A virtual Goliath among midgets."
Lawrence Boadt
"The new Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible has many special strengths. The first is that it reflects the growing trend in current biblical scholarship to focus on the overall meaning of each book of the Bible. Top scholars provide all of the critical and historical information normally demanded of a good commentary, but rather than offer verse-by-verse analyses that too often become trapped on small points of exegesis, they examine the major literary units of each biblical book, showing how they fit together to form a dramatic unity. The second strength of this commentary is that it includes the Catholic deuterocanonical books, the pseudepigraphical book 1 Enoch, and the Qumran literature. A third strength is the book's very helpful extended essays on notable themes and issues in biblical studies interspersed within the commentaries themselves, such as the treatment of the special character of prophetic speech and the importance of the temple, both found in the introductory section of Isaiah. Overall, this is a very reader-friendly commentary that, at the same time, does not sacrifice anything of concern to scholars."
Susan R. Garrett
"The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible will be a rich and enduring resource for all who seek to understand the Bible in its literary, historical, and theological dimensions. The essays on biblical books are written by highly respected scholars and present the best fruits of recent research in ways that are engaging and persuasive. Moreover, the wide-ranging introductory articles will serve everyone from beginning students of Scripture to scholars wanting to refresh their knowledge. Recommended for churches, students, pastors, and scholars."
Tremper Longman III
"Utilizing the considerable talents of scholars representing a broad theological spectrum, theEerdmans Commentary on the Bible provides readers with a concise, stimulating, sometimes provocative reading of the biblical text. I commend this volume to all who want a handy scholarly resource as they grapple with the meaning of the text. "
John J. Collins
"The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible contains scholarship that is both international and ecumenical, including contributions from Catholics as well as Protestants. Most of the contributors have well-established international reputations, and several are at the top of their field. Especially welcome is the inclusion of the Apocrypha, two essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls, an introduction to the Pseudepigrapha, and even a commentary on 1 Enoch, which may be unique to a Bible commentary of this kind. The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible is a very useful resource for college and seminary students and those who teach them. "
Frank J. Matera
"Comprehensive in scope and reader-friendly in format, Eerdmans Commentary on the Bibleprovides students, pastors, and interested lay folk with a series of reliable commentaries on every book of the Bible, including the Old Testament Apocrypha and 1 Enoch. For those seeking a single volume that will provide them with reliable commentary on Scripture, and for teachers looking for a one-volume commentary to put into the hands of their students, the Eerdmans Commentary is just the right work."
Daniel J. Harrington
"Produced by an ecumenical team of biblical scholars from all over the English-speaking world, this one-volume commentary on the entire Bible will be a great resource for theology students, religious educators, and pastors. The serious attention given to the Old Testament Apocrypha (and 1 Enoch) is an especially welcome feature. The contributors are distinguished and diverse, the scholarship is solid and up to date, and the format is inviting and user-friendly."
Times Literary Supplement
"There are many gems here, and the ECB will meet the needs of much of its intended readership: 'scholars, students, pastors, and general readers'."