The Pack
Imprint: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
32 Pages, 8.25 x 11.50 in
- eBook
- 9781467465014
- Publication Date: March 22, 2022
- Hardcover
- 9780802855879
- Publication Date: March 22, 2022
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If you try to fit in with the pack, you’ll look the same as everyone else. You’ll be a part of the group, but you’ll lose parts of yourself. Eventually you won’t even recognize yourself anymore. Breaking free from the pack isn’t easy, but it is possible. If you find the courage to leave conformity behind, you can finally discover who you are.
Resonant and haunting, The Pack imagines what happens when a human being wears wolf’s clothing. This poetic, powerful book will start unforgettable conversations about identity, peer pressure, and finding one’s own path.