Randall Balmer
author of Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America
"For years, I have used these conversion accounts both as a source of meditation and as a resource for instruction. John Mulder's judicious expansion of the earlier volume makes this collection even more valuable than before."
Joel Carpenter
author of Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism
"What wonderful testimonies to conversion, to God's meeting people where they are and turning what they already have toward Jesus Christ. This book shows some remarkable people searching for and finding God, but it is at least as much about God's finding them and drawing them in. The best thing about this expanded edition is that it includes more accounts from the global South and East. Those contexts are quite different, but the Savior's voice and touch reach people in those regions in ways that make our hearts burn with recognition here."
Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
author of Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
"This excellent and inspiring book helps us to see that real conversion is not limited to any one group, religion, denomination, or vocabulary. God compassionately works with each soul according to its need - and, as you will see, works wonderfully!"
James H. Moorhead
author of Princeton Seminary in American Religion and Culture
"A first-rate anthology with excellent commentary! From the Apostle Paul to Bono of U2 and from John Calvin to contemporary Latin American Pentecostals, Finding God is a moving account of the ways in which Christians across the centuries have described their experiences of spiritual renewal and regeneration."
Robert Wuthnow
author of After Heaven: Spirituality in America since the 1950s
"Finding God contains powerful narratives that will be of value not only to people of faith but also to social scientists like me whose research interests come again and again to questions about conversion, why it happens, and what it means. Mulder's own story, courageously included here as an afterword, is especially to be treasured."