Erwin Fahlbusch (d. 2007) was professor of theology at theUniversity of Frankfurt.
(1922-2004) Jan Milic Lochman was Rector of the University of Basel.
John Mbiti is John A. Mackay Professor of WorldChristianity at Princeton Theological Seminary.
(1923–2006) Jaroslav Pelikan was Sterling Professor of History Emeritus at Yale University. He is the author of more than thirty books, including Jesus Through the Centuries. He has received the Jefferson Award of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Lukas Vischer (1926–2008) was a Swiss Reformedtheologian noted for his ecumenical efforts in both theWorld Council of Churches and the World Alliance ofReformed Churches. He was professor emeritus of ecumenicaltheology at Evangelical Reformed Theological Faculty ofBerne, Switzerland.