American society is experiencing a profound crisis of trust, from government to mass media to educational and religious institutions. And — whether we realize it or not — this crisis affects us all.
In Building Cultures of Trust, Martin Marty proposes ways of improving the conditions for trust at what might be called the “grass roots” level. He suggests that it makes a difference if citizens put energy into inventing, developing, and encouraging “cultures of trust” in all areas of life — families, schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, churches, and more. Marty believes that such efforts at trust-building will do more than trickle up to larger areas of society; it will become a slow spreading of habits of honesty, inspiring trust on a culture-changing scale.
Far from naïve, Marty realizes that the reality of human nature tends towards trust-breaking, not trust-building. All the more reason, he argues, to develop strategies to bring about improvements, one small step at a time.