Church Times
"A book to stimulate, encourage and reassure. It is an invitation to Christians outside mainstream Catholic traditions to shape a theological, liturgical and spiritual relationship with the Mother of Jesus. . . .It is a good read."
Geoffrey Wainwright
"Long suspicious in regard to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Protestants have more recently begun to rediscover her as an exemplar of faith. In this book we are invited to also recover the classic Christian acknowledgment of Mary as 'Mother of God' (which, according to a sound Christology, we should never have forgotten) and (this may be more of a challenge) as 'Mother of believers.' The arguments advanced here from many angles — scriptural, historical, dogmatic, liturgical, metaphysical — are formidably persuasive, and it is to be hoped that they will prove ecumenically productive."
John Macquarrie
"Mary, Mother of God is a notable contribution to the literature of the new interest in Mary. It combines impeccable scholarship with general accessibility, and it deserves a wide circulation."
George H. Tavard
"In this polyphonic meditation on the dogma, person, and role of Mary the Theotokos, the mother of Jesus appears in her relation to the church and to all Christians. Eight authors show that it is possible in the Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Baptist traditions to see Mary as a unifying figure who brings their often discordant voices into harmony. This book makes an excellent contribution to the ecumenical dialogue on Christ and his mother."
Thomas Hopko
"Those desiring a fuller, deeper, and more accurate understanding of God's gospel in Jesus will take great delight in Mary, Mother of God. The contributions of eight eminent scholars on the preeminent place of Christ's mother in God's plan of salvation by grace through faith in his and her Son are a rich source of insight and illumination. Pastors and teachers who knowingly neglect to learn from these splendid essays can consider themselves derelict in their service to God and his people."
Brian E. Daley, S.J.
"This new collection of essays on Mary, gathered in a clearly ecumenical perspective, offers readers a powerful invitation to think anew about the meaning of Mary, the mother of Jesus, for Christian faith and practice, and even to relate to her personally with new depth. . . A fine example of theology written for both heart and mind."
Spirit & Life
"This fully biblical appreciation is a welcome addition to today's discovery of Mary as an exemplar of faith."
J. Robert Wright
"Essential reading for all who are interested in the serious theological and devotional renewal of the church."
Liturgy Canada
"A significant contribution to the ongoing dialogue amongst Christian communions on the subject of Mary, the God Bearer, and of her continuing place in liturgy and belief."