Craig A. Evans
-- Acadia Divinity College
"Students, colleagues, and friends have assembled an outstanding collection of studies in honor of long-serving and widely respected Marvin Wilson. Perspectives on Our Father Abraham, a title that alludes to Wilson's landmark study, is a fitting tribute to a first-rate scholar and beloved classroom teacher. Everyone interested in biblical studies, the relationship of Jews and Christians, and, especially, the figure of Abraham in tradition and history will love this book."
Tremper Longman III
-- Westmont College
"Perspectives on Our Father Abraham is a remarkable volume honoring a remarkable and influential teacher and writer. With a focus on Abraham, biblical scholars and clergy present insightful and provocative views that are sure to challenge and inform the readers of this volume. I highly recommend it."
Sonia Schreiber Weitz
-- The Holocaust Center, Boston North Inc.
"Continuing to fill our lives with his great wisdom and envisioning beautiful possibilities along the way, Marvin Wilson builds bridges of love between Christian and Jewish communities. As for me, a survivor of the Shoah, Marv restored my faith in humanity, and for that I am eternally grateful."