Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Grasping and Being Grasped by Paul’s Theology
Theology: Faith Seeking Understanding
Theology as Personal: Paul, “Julia,” and Ourselves
Conversion, the Living God, and the New World I Already Live In
Chapter 2. 1 Thessalonians: Theological Facets for Converted Beginners
The Loved/Loving Community—Experienced and Lived Out in the Present
Eschatology Gets Particular, Focused, Concrete: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18
Chapter 3. Romans as a Template for Pauline Theology
Sin: Universal Human Need of Salvation (Romans 1:18–3:20)
Grace: God’s Saving Act (Romans 3:21–4:25)
Liberation: The Meaning of Salvation (Romans 5:1–8:39)
History: God’s Eschatological Plan (Romans 9:1–11:36)
Ethics: The Saved Life in Action (Romans 12:1–15:13)
Chapter 4. The Emerging Church: On the Road to the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
Pauline Churches, Pauline School
Ephesians: The Church at Its Best, en route to Become the Universe
1–2 Timothy, Titus: The Pastor as Radical