Paul's Letter to the Romans
A Commentary
Imprint: Eerdmans
832 Pages, 6.14 x 9.21 x 1.55 in
- Paperback
- 9780802879950
- Publication Date: May 16, 2011
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On the heels of Arland Hultgren’s successful commentary comes a new volume exploring one of the most significant theological documents ever written. In this commentary Arland Hultgren engages the text of Paul’s Letter to the Romans using careful theological exegesis in conversation with scores of contemporary biblical scholars. Hultgren walks readers through the letter verse-by-verse, illuminating the text with helpful comments, probing into major puzzles, and highlighting the epistle’s most inspiring features. He also demonstrates the essentially forward-looking, missional character of Paul’s letter — written, as Hultgren suggests, to introduce Paul-the-theologian to Roman believers and inspire their support for his planned missionary efforts in the Western Mediterranean. This thoughtful commentary, ideal for pastors and serious students of the Bible, includes seven appendices that discuss in detail such hot button issues as “Romans 1:26-27 and Homosexuality” and “Pistis Christou: Faith in or of Christ?”