Wealth as Peril and Obligation

The New Testament on Possessions

by Sondra Ely Wheeler

Imprint: Eerdmans

176 Pages, 6.00 x 9.00 in

  • Paperback
  • 9780802807335
  • Publication Date: June 27, 1995

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This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church — the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament's moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

